Hired partners > Educative


Career Services
Technical Interview Prep
Workshops & Upskilling

Learn something new. Everyday.

Educative is a hands-on learning platform for software developers of all levels. Whether you’re looking to become a developer, grow your skills, or prepare for an upcoming interview, Educative’s expert authors can get you there.
Sign up today and receive 45% off

Courses offered

  • Software Engineering
  • Engineering Management
  • Developer Operations (DevOps)
  • Product Management
  • Data Analytics

Courses type

  • On-Demand Learning
  • Other

Present in

  • Remote

Learn more about Educative

Next steps

Not an Educative user yet?

Sign up and explore pre-configured learning environments that adapt to match your skill level. Enjoy 45% off of the 90 day plan.

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Sign up for Hired to get instant access to a curated pool of responsive top tech talent actively seeking their next role.


What kind of courses does Educative provide?

You can find courses on coding languages (e.g. Python, Java, etc), security, machine learning, cloud computing and so much more. We launch courses weekly so check back often! Our interactive, text-based courses are built from the ground up to teach you the skills employers are looking for.

Does Educative offer a free trial?

Educative offers a 7 day free trial so you can check out the courses before you buy. Here are some things to know about our free trial: All non-interview and free courses are part of the free trial. Certificates can also be availed against these courses.

What are the subscription options?

We offer annual, monthly, and team subscriptions. All provide unlimited access to Educative’s courses.

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