Job Directory Seattle Search Engineer

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Top Industries hiring Search Engineers

  1. eCommerce
  2. Information Tech
  3. Analytics
  4. Media and Content
  5. Consumer Mobile

Top Skills for Search Engineers

  1. Java
  2. C++
  3. C
  4. Python
  5. PHP

Search Engineer Jobs in Seattle

Find Search Engineer Jobs in the Seattle Area

Search Engineers have a rewarding career that is aggressively sought after by many companies across the country. They are responsible for developing search algorithms, Web services, search indexing techniques and better ways to mine vast quantities of data in real time. To be successful, they must be able to build robust platforms that index billions of documents, images, videos and other assets, as well as maintain and constantly optimize these search engines.

A Search Engineer must have at a minimum a four-year undergraduate degree in computer science as the field is technical and detail oriented. However, many companies will also require a graduate degree as well as several years of relevant experience in the industry. One who is interested in this position will need to be fluent in common languages such as Python, Java and PHP, as well as have a firm understanding of Hadoop and Spark in many instances.

Living and Working in Seattle

Seattle, Washington is a major seaport city on the West Coast of the United States. It has consistently reported a high annual growth rate, and it is a major gateway for trade with Asia. As such, it is ripe with opportunity for personal and professional growth. The city has a strong history when it comes to technology, further contributing to the fact that it is a great place to work in the technology and software industry.

Seattle has a lot to offer outside of employment as well. Things to do and places to visit range from famous restaurants to stadiums to historic landmarks to parks and more.

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How HIRED Works

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Top Industries hiring Search Engineers

  1. eCommerce
  2. Information Tech
  3. Analytics
  4. Media and Content
  5. Consumer Mobile

Top Skills for Search Engineers

  1. Java
  2. C++
  3. C
  4. Python
  5. PHP