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Top Skills for Data Analysts

  1. SQL
  2. R
  3. Python
  4. Java
  5. C++

Data Analyst Jobs at Non-profit Companies in Washington D.C.

Find Data Analyst Jobs in the Washington, D.C Area

Data Analysts analyze and interpret data, providing information that companies or organizations can use in improving their business or marketing practices. In addition to working with statistical models and mathematical calculations, they may work with programming languages like Oracle, Python and SQL. Most Data Analysts have a degree in maths, statistics or a related field. They have good problem-solving skills, are able to work with teams and are effective communicators.

Find Data Analyst Jobs in the Non-Profit Industry

Made of tax-exempt organizations and companies, the non-profit industry often involves a lot of operation with complex data sets, which offers a lot of job opportunities. Data Analysts may be tasked with evaluating risk or culling statistical information to gauge a company’s efficiency. They may also develop data analytics and data collection systems.

Living and Working in Washington, D.C

Once considered to be a home for only politicians, Washington D.C has evolved into a lively metropolis packed with bars, clubs and restaurants. The city’s economy is driven by thriving tourism and research clusters. It also features a strong financial services core that ranks among the top ten in the country. Washington welcomes over 10 million visitors every year. Many of the city’s local attractions are located around the National Mall. Outside the cool winter, the city experiences relatively pleasant weather, particularly during the fall and spring.

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Top Skills for Data Analysts

  1. SQL
  2. R
  3. Python
  4. Java
  5. C++