Job Directory SF Bay Area Frontend Engineer

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Top Skills for Frontend Engineers

  1. PHP
  2. Node.JS
  3. JavaScript
  4. HTML
  5. CSS

Frontend Engineer Jobs in SF Bay Area

Frontend Engineer Jobs in San Francisco, CA

When you look at a website, you‰Ûªre viewing the work of a Frontend Engineer. Frontend Engineers use JavaScript, HTML and CSS to make pages and templates that web developers then use to meet web interface requirements. Frontend Engineers require a blend of artistry and technical skill: consistently working to determine designs and features (like buttons, forums and other interactive components) that will engage site users to shop, play, click and share.

Frontend Engineers in San Francisco, CA, are in demand in Information Tech, eCommerce, Finance and Insurance. Postmates, Gametime United and Marqueta are just a few of the many companies looking to hire them. San Francisco, CA is the highest paying city for Frontend Engineering, and according to Forbes, is also one of the most cutting edge. The city also enjoys a reputation for being one of the happiest and healthiest places to live in the United States. Other high-paying cities for Frontend Engineers are New York, NY and Seattle, WA.

If you are interested in learning more about a career in Frontend Engineering, check out Hired‰Ûªs sidebar for links to top companies, skills and job openings. Our Candidate Blog is also a valuable resource for career development.

The salaries of Frontend Engineers range from a low of $55,500 to a high of $225,000, with a median income of $120,000. For a comprehensive look at Frontend Engineering salaries around the country, visit Hired‰Ûªs salary page.

We don't have enough data for SF Bay Area,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, Frontend Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, Frontend Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of $132,000 to a high of $200,000, with a median salary of $168,000.


Top paying cities for Frontend Engineers:
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Top Skills for Frontend Engineers

  1. PHP
  2. Node.JS
  3. JavaScript
  4. HTML
  5. CSS