Job Directory Full Stack Engineer

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Top Skills for Full Stack Engineers

  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. PHP
  3. Node.JS
  4. .NET
  5. JavaScript

Full Stack Engineer Jobs

Full Stack Engineer Job Description

A Full Stack Engineer is a position that is highly sought after by many companies and businesses. A person with this career is responsible for both the backend and frontend of web development. As such, the best Full Stack Engineers will have a solid grasp on multiple programming languages and databases such as PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, SQL and more. A Full Stack Engineer will utilize all of these to create the overall architecture of any given web-based application and maintain a high-end product.

Not surprisingly, a Full Stack Engineer will also need strong skills when it comes to debugging and updating software, as well as maintaining code integrity while still keeping on task and within budget. A Full Stack Engineer should also have a strong understanding of current security protection measures as well as be able to think outside the box to identify new problems that may pop up. Most positions for this career require developmental experience for both desktop and mobile solutions.

A bachelor's degree is often the minimum requirement, and many companies prefer a master's degree. However, work in coding experience may be a substitute for certain positions. Due to the growing tech industry across the country as well as many companies making an online presence, the demand for this position is only expected to grow in the future.

We don't have enough data for New York,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, Full Stack Engineers in New York earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, Full Stack Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of $80,000 to a high of $212,750, with a median salary of $151,000.


Top paying cities for Full Stack Engineers:
Sorry, we don't currently have any jobs meeting these requirements.

How HIRED Works

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Top Skills for Full Stack Engineers

  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. PHP
  3. Node.JS
  4. .NET
  5. JavaScript