Job Directory Washington D.C. IT Project Manager

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Companies Hiring for IT Project Manager

Top Skills for IT Project Managers

  1. Agile
  2. SQL
  3. Python
  4. Java
  5. C++

IT Project Manager Jobs in Washington D.C.

Find IT Project Managers in Washington, D.C.

IT Project Managers play the role of team leader. They oversee planning, budgeting, quality control and compliance with timelines.

With a variety of managerial responsibilities, the IT or Information Technology Project Manager must be well-organized and able to multi-task. They must also be great communicators who are able to facilitate meetings and lead a diverse team. A knowledge of advanced technological processes such as cybersecurity, internet protocols and software design is often preferred. Along with the government, opportunities for IT Project Managers exist in the fields of technology, education and investments.

Living and Working in Washington, D.C.

Being the nation’s capital, most residents of Washington, D.C. work for the federal government. Some work on the hill in elected positions with direct involvement in political decision making. Others residing in Washington, D.C., may be in appointed or hired positions such as that of an IT Project Manager. The home to many universities such as Georgetown, Howard and American Universities, education is also one of this city’s largest employers. Other major employers in Washington, D.C. include healthcare, technology and tourism.

Residents of Washington, D.C. enjoy lots of outdoor recreation. The city is home to many public parks with their picturesque cherry blossoms and bike trails. Located on the Potomac River, paddleboarding and kayaking are also popular activities. Professional sports teams like the Washington Red Skins draw crowds to the city, while historical attractions such as museums, monuments and art galleries attract tourists year-round.

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Companies Hiring for IT Project Manager

Top Skills for IT Project Managers

  1. Agile
  2. SQL
  3. Python
  4. Java
  5. C++