Job Directory New York DevOps Engineer

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Top Skills for DevOps Engineers

  1. C++
  2. C
  3. Java
  4. Python
  5. PHP

DevOps Engineer Jobs in New York

DevOps Engineer Jobs in New York, NY

DevOps Engineers are tasked with automating deployment and network operations, often creating and maintaining development platforms and processes. Essentially, they translate the needs of an organization into stable, secure architecture based on the latest technologies. Also called Developer Operations, DevOps Engineers work closely with programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python and PHP.

Major companies looking for DevOps Engineers in New York, NY include: Compass, TripAdvisor and Hearst Magazines; as well as startups like MarketFactory, Opsline and PeerIQ. Big industries for DevOps Engineers include Information Tech, eCommerce, Health and Wellness, Finance/Insurance and Aerospace. Other cities where DevOps Engineers are popular include San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA and Los Angeles, CA. New York‰Ûªs busy pace, diverse culture, and famous restaurants make the city a popular place to live and work.

Hired offers additional resources for DevOps Engineers in the sidebar, including information on top companies and important skills for this role. Use our salary calculator, based on real interviews, to determine your potential salary.

For DevOps Engineering jobs in New York, NY, the salary ranges from a low of $60,000 to a high of $250,000. To view more salary data on DevOps Engineer jobs in specific cities, visit our salary directory.

We don't have enough data for New York,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, DevOps Engineers in New York earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, DevOps Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of $115,000 to a high of $190,000, with a median salary of $152,671.


Top paying cities for DevOps Engineers:
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Top Skills for DevOps Engineers

  1. C++
  2. C
  3. Java
  4. Python
  5. PHP