Hewlett Packard Enterprise VP Of Global TA & Onboarding Lavonne Monroe


Lavonne Monroe

Talent Acquisition: Beyond Recruitment & Retention

In this episode, Lavonne Monroe, Vice President of Global Talent Acquisition and Onboarding at Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), discusses the expanded responsibilities of modern talent acquisition beyond hiring. She emphasizes the importance of onboarding, mobility, and retention, which are often overlooked aspects. Lavonne shares insights into HPE’s DEI policy, the evolving role of talent acquisition, views on employee churn, and the comprehensive scope of HPE’s talent team. The discussion covers HPE’s recruitment strategy, ongoing projects, team management, and the significance of understanding the entire business landscape for talent acquisition professionals. Lavonne’s quotes highlight the commitment to excellence and the vital role of talent acquisition in organizational success.

Episode Transcript

Lavonne Monroe 0:00
And so aligning the recruiters and our recruiting model to that of cells has been something that’s been a key differentiator in my leadership style with helping me get the investment that I need in order to hire 12,000 people a year.

Rob Stevenson 0:19
Welcome to Talk talent to me, a podcast featuring the most elite talent leaders on the front lines of modern recruitment.

speaker 3 0:26
We actually want to understand the themes of someone’s life, we want to understand how they make decisions where they’re willing to take risks, and what it looks like when they fail,

Rob Stevenson 0:36
no holds barred completely off the cuff interviews with directors of recruitment VPs of global talent, CHROs, and everyone in between.

speaker 3 0:45
Once I went through the classes and the trainings and got the certifications through diversity inclusion, I still felt like something was missing.

Speaker 2 0:53
Talent Acquisition. It’s a fantastic career, you are trusted by the organization. You get to work with the C suite and the security at the front desk and everybody in between and everybody knows you.

Rob Stevenson 1:06
I’m your host, Rob Stevenson. And you’re about to hear the best in the biz. talk down to me. Okay, hello again, you wonderful rabble of talent acquiring munchkins out there in podcast land. It’s me Rob, your humble host here with another classic installment of top talent to me, and oh, boy, I have a doozy of a guest for you today. I’m so excited. She’s here. We’ve been goofing off for the last 15 minutes having a blast chatting. But I said to her moment ago, we simply have to start the show. So without further ado, here’s the vice president of talent acquisition for Hewlett Packard Enterprise Lavon. Monroe, Lavon. Welcome to the podcast. How are you today?

Lavonne Monroe 1:44
I’m doing awesome. Rob, thank you so much for that phenomenal intro. And yes, unfortunately, guys, we were goofing off for a while. But Rob was just simply good people and when was he but you can just you know, get online with and talk about anything. So that was what we ended up diving into. But we will stay focused here and definitely dive into more ta specific topics and do our best to just educate some of the masses. And you know, hopefully you guys learn something from this.

Rob Stevenson 2:09
Thank you for that beautiful compliment Lavon I’m so pleased not only that you said it, but also that it’s recorded, and that is committed to the record. So I can go back and listen to it. Anytime that I’m sad, but enough praising of me, let’s get into some of the stuff because you have this really interesting job and the way you bring yourself to this role. Maybe extra excited to have you on So maybe let’s just start with a softball. If you wouldn’t mind telling us a little bit about your role, how you came to be in it and kind of how you characterize the position.

Lavonne Monroe 2:37
Yeah, so VP of TA and onboarding here at EULA Packard Enterprise. I’ve been here now a little over three years. And I came here, as a lot of people, you know, wasn’t looking for any other roles. But to be very frank, you know, there was a personal vested interest that brought me to HPE. And it was back then the CEO social standing on a lot of the things that was going on back then, through George Floyd and everything else. And the company that I was with didn’t really have a hardcore stance. And Antonio was very open in regards to his stance on what was going on, or all the diversity and the issues with racism and things like that. So from a personal perspective, to be very frank, I came here, you know, as my stance, and I felt like I could do a lot of great work here at HPE. And then secondarily that I could, you know, look my sons in the eyes and tell them, hey, this is how I fight. This is how I protest. So I make sure that I’m working for an organization that is willing to impact change and understands the need for it. So that’s what brought me here. It’s in a phenomenal company. And we’ve done a lot of big things here. And we’re going to continue to do that as well.

Rob Stevenson 3:48
That really was a time of social reckoning. And I think lots of people, in addition to yourself, we’re sort of making that introspection to be like, Okay, what do my values mean to me? What do I want to stand for? I spend so much time at work, I need my external values to align with my companies. And at the same time, companies were changing their logos to black, they were releasing these statements, they were all saying the right things. But there’s a difference between walking the walk and talking the talk. So you joined this company, because you believe that it wasn’t alignment, and it was a form of protest in a way for you. What gave you the sense that that they were who they said they were and that it wasn’t merely just PR and posturing?

Lavonne Monroe 4:28
Right. So before I took the role, obviously just research digging in deeper in regards to the initiatives that HPE was doing their commitments, their key diversity partnerships, the commitments that they’ve made to underrepresented groups around training, succession planning, promotions, data, so it was all lying to data, right? What was accessible to me as an outsider looking in. So that was a key aspect of the why I came to Hewlett Packard Enterprise and then now that I’m here, right now I’m behind the curtains. And it’s truly actions. Let’s not just, you know, paper and words on paper at the end of the day, it’s not just our annual living progress report, you know, we are winning awards around the work that we’re doing. But we’re not doing the work to win the awards, right, we’re doing the work because it is the right thing to do. And we have a lot of phenomenal campaigns up being a force for good. And that is a cultural aspect of HPE. We want to give back and this is how can we try to make it as easy as possible for our team members to get back as well. So it really isn’t words on paper here. It’s a lot of action and planning. And our chief diversity officer, Aisha Washington has done a phenomenal job with ensuring that its actions when there’s a plan and a strategy aligned to it. So I just backing off her as well, nine times out of 10. And like, Hey, I’m here, how can I help you? Right? How Can I Help You I Isha. So she has been a phenomenal partner as well with our two actions around the strategies.

Rob Stevenson 6:04
Yeah, it’s been a few years now. So if they were just whistling Dixie, presumably you would have moved on having been, but sounds like they are actually walking the walk. And I was pleased to hear a moment ago, that onboarding is part of your title. And Becca 1000 pardons for getting that wrong at the top. But the reason I was important is because VP of talent acquisition and talent acquisition as a title, that piece, the acquisition piece is just one stage of the employee lifecycle. But I speak to folks in your position all the time and their responsibilities go way beyond that, right, it doesn’t stop once they are hired. And so to add the onboarding onto your title, I assume that was just making official something that you were probably already doing, right? Or that any talent pro in your position is doing. So how do you conceive of the role like beyond just the acquisition, but when you think of your responsibility for the folks over at HPE in terms of their entire employee lifecycle?

Lavonne Monroe 6:57
Yeah, that’s a really fun question. Well, because I am a TA person, I get upset when I have to backfill roles. So our attrition, our team members ability for internal ability, which I also have internal mobility, that is key to the survival of our organization, when you do so much to attract and recruit the best talent, as everybody has a lot of goals to do, then the next stage is retaining them. So you have to have all the right tentacles that are feeding into your team member who is in the middle of that. And so the smart CEOs like Antonio Neri, you know, he understands that the only way that we will survive as an organization and gain market share and hit our revenue goals is through our people. And then so thusly, inversely, we have to invest in their career mobility, we have to look at their ability to do succession planning, and we have to do such a planning, we have to speak to who’s next, we have to ensure that we, you know, are looking at data, and that we’re doing performance management, and we’re having career conversations, you know, and all of that is hardcore baked in as a people leader here at HPE. So again, right, these aren’t just words, there’s strategies and actions around what you can do as a team member here. And you know, we’re changing every single day. So we were actually in the process of looking at our internal mobility policies, and what else can we do to make it easier to move within the organization and faster and you know, things like that. And so these are all kinds of the data points that we’re looking at, this is going to drive change, and hopefully, our team members will appreciate it and continue to remain with organization, but in order to like grow with the organization. So for me, the acquiring part, that’s almost the easy part is the retention. It’s the mobility, it’s the onboarding is so much bigger than just the acquisition, right?

Rob Stevenson 8:56
Yes, it has to be because you’re putting a person a human being with thoughts and goals and dreams and aspirations into something. And I think there’s an understanding, okay, I’m going to do the job in front of me, but I have a job I want after this, or I want to grow, I want to, at minimum earn more money. And I liked that you said that you get annoyed or mad when you have to backfill roles. And I can see why it does represent a little bit of a failure, right? If it’s like, okay, we found someone we put them in the position, it didn’t work out, was there something we could have done differently so that that didn’t happen? Is there like a notion of regrettable versus non regrettable churn? I’m kind of wondering, surely at some point, people just mature through an organization, even if you’ve done everything to help them with internal mobility and growth. Sometimes it’s just time to move on. Do you kind of break that out differently? Or how do you think about churn? Ya

Lavonne Monroe 9:45
know, there definitely is the regrettable versus non regrettable term and you’re spot on in regards to sometimes I think just like relationships or times just grew apart, right. You know, it was a good fit for the time and space and as we are all maturing, we have different goals and needs as we mature, there are different stages in life. And I think every organization is going to do their best to ensure that no matter what stage you are in life, that we can produce what you need. But sometimes it just, you know, at the end of the day, it may not be a good fit, but we try to ensure that we are a good fit for those key stages of your life. Right? You know, because when you’re a new grad, coming out of college, your wants and needs and what’s driving you is very different than when you’re, you know, mid professional been in the game for 20 years, your needs and wants are very different and aligned differently. So how do we as an organization meet you where you’re at, for all those different stages of your career, your life. And so that’s something that we do our best with, I would say we have hands down, I don’t know if I should say everybody’s names, because then people are gonna start, you know, kind of coming after well, we have some of the best benefits and compensation and cultural leader that’s leading, you know, a lot of what we offer to our team members, and we don’t call them employees here. They’re, they’re our team members at the end of the day. And I think that’s another key differentiator between, you know, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and a lot of other companies, right.

Rob Stevenson 11:14
You’ve called out now some culture and talent leaders, of course, you have a diversity officer, the chief diversity officer. So I would love to understand little bit more about just the scope of the Talent Team at HP, what is the makeup over there?

Lavonne Monroe 11:27
So you say Talent Team, so we have a chief talent officer. And under total talent management, you have my purview, which is Ta onboarding, then we have performance management, we have l&d succession planning, we also have a technical career path, we have a person who is over technical talent. So just to speak to the career mobility of our technical team members. So that’s kind of under our tenant management, which is our CTO. And then we also have a CHR o that our CTO reports into, and obviously under HR, you have the remaining pieces of comp and Ben and culture, you have our systems, right. So all the other standard, you know, alignment, then of course, yep, HR under HR as well. Not quite sure if I answer that question to what you were looking for But that’s kind of the model.

Rob Stevenson 12:19
Yeah, that’s helpful, then what is your scope? Like? What is your kind of purview of the talent org.

Lavonne Monroe 12:24
So I am under the talent management office. So that’s where talent acquisition and onboarding sit. So my team members, my direct line items are all you know, my team members are l&d and succession planning. And so workforce planning and analytics Acomplia for that they’ve been workforce planning analytics is also under talent management. So all of us work very seamlessly to ensure that we have a plan. And so it’s a matter of lead generation all the way to retirement. And that’s the focus of our team.

Rob Stevenson 12:58
Gotcha. When we were goofing off pre recording, you mentioned that you were kind of doing skip levels this week. I wanted to ask you about skip levels, because I’ve been in skipped levels. Obviously, no one was kept leveling up to me. I was nobody’s kept level. Right, I was given up. And I never really knew how to make the best use of that time. And since you are in a lot of them, I’m curious, like, as you go through those, when you come out of them, and you’re like, okay, that person asked really good questions, or they were really thoughtful about this like, like, what makes you feel like those skip levels have gone? Well?

Lavonne Monroe 13:34
Yeah. So for me, I think through skip levels, for two different reasons, I believe, well, I personally do two different types of them. So there is for us, because we’re working at such a fast pace. And we have an ever changing world that you know, we have tons of competing circles that are coming at us. There’s a skip blow for me where it’s just a wellness check. At the end of the day, no planning no agenda. It’s not even business related. I didn’t want to hear about work. It’s just how are you doing? Let’s hear about kids. Your weekend? How are you mentally? Right? Are you overwhelmed, things like that. So just aligned to your ability to balance work with your life. So that’s just my standard. One of those are the ones I love the most because I actually get to hear more about personal stories there. And then yes, there are absolutely a skip levels around work. But you know, that should be a summary. That’s your opportunity to shine to that cheerleader. So you know, you should be summarizing your key accomplishments between Alaska above one the skip level, and then those speak through any struggles that you may be doing. A lot of the leaders are problem solvers. Right. So when we’re having these conversations, we’re just trying to figure out how can we help? How can we block and tackle more men that is the want and the need that needs to come out of those skip levels is you know, so your opportunity that we can then help you is how we can help you. So definitely summarizing any of the obstacles you’re having thing. And then if you need our assistance and you do have to tell us though, I will say a lot of us because we are fixers, you have to let us know if you just need to vent. Or if you are definitely looking for assistance as well, sometimes, and sometimes venting is fine, too. And then sometimes we can give you a different perspective on it and give you more business outlook. And maybe that’ll help calm the waters as well. But that’s the way I think through skip levels. There’s the business one, and then there’s definitely the work life balance one.

Rob Stevenson 15:24
Do you drive the conversations? Do you let folks sort of decide where it’s gonna go? How do you make the best use of the time,

Lavonne Monroe 15:31
I allow them to drive if they drive, and then if they don’t, then I drive. But for me, the ideal would be that they drive because it’s their time, but at the end of the day, it is their time, but I’m good with it going either way. I’m not really one of those leaders, I have to have just as hard marked agenda for every single meeting. I actually think sometimes agendas are a waste of time. But at the end of day, it’s their time. So how can I help? How can I listen? And then how can I be of service to you? That is my intent around the skip levels?

Rob Stevenson 16:05
I love the idea that a meeting agenda would be a waste of time, can you say more?

Lavonne Monroe 16:11
I don’t know, I just think sometimes having to put them together as a waste of time. At the end of the day, just three quick bullet points. And then the conversation will go where it needs to go is similar to an interview, right? It’s, you know, you have your basic questions. And then after that point, the conversation should go where it needs to go. And the follow up questions and follow when the topics will will feed themselves. So that’s the way I see it as

Rob Stevenson 16:35
so don’t overdo. It is kind of what you’re saying. I feel that where it’s like if you get really stuck into Oh, I’m supposed to have an agenda for this meeting. And then you start writing it out. And you realize you have a question about something and you now like, Hey, can I speak to you about the agenda? And now you’re in a meeting about a meeting? Which gets silly, you know?

Lavonne Monroe 16:51
Yes, those are absolutely the worst the meetings for the meetings. Goodness gracious, it’s just the killer of all time. Right,

Rob Stevenson 16:57
right. That’s right. So anyway, here we are sort of jumping in. But I want to make sure to ask you some specific questions you’ll have on like what you’re actually working on right now. So would you mind sharing a little bit about just like what’s keeping you busy right now? And what’s kind of keeping you up at night from a talent perspective?

Lavonne Monroe 17:13
Oh, wow. So yeah, within our team construct, so we have a lot of verticals on our eat talent acquisition as a whole, right. So I have my executive recruiting, we have our you know, everything non exec recruiting, we have university recruiting, we have our T operations, which encompasses recruitment, marketing, onboarding, I nine compliance systems, under T ops. And then of course, I also have a PMO office and a talent pipeline team. And so across all those verticals, when I say every single one of them is working on vital projects, to push, you know, our needle forward. So you know, something that we implemented two years ago, is not necessarily going to take us into, you know, where we need to be five years from now. So we are constantly looking at working on different things. So right now, we are redoing the executive recruiting process, and finding more synergies that are around cost savings. We’re also doing tons of systems overhauls. I mean, my HR is departmental with that we call sTsi is a key key partner of ours and fixing our systems adding more automation, putting in bots, where, you know, it was a highly administrative task before that’s something we’re really, really focused on doing at all times. On the system side recruiting marketing, we rolled out a new EVP last year. So are we implementing that and doing our go live strategy there. So that’s a lot of great work that Rachel is leading there as well. On the uni side, right, we’re putting in a lot of cohort recruiting, again, looking for efficiencies. So Beck is leading the turn with what we’re doing with the university recruiting as well. There’s just tons of things that we’re working on. And I think it speaks to my team. We’re never satisfied in regards to that. We’re always looking to how can we get better? How can we continue to improve? And the award that we won, you know, for last year, being a charros ta Team of the Year speaks to that. And they’ve done a great job, and we will continue to push the envelope.

Rob Stevenson 19:18
I’m glad you rattled all of those things off because it just speaks to the scale of the operation, right? The company the size and with the history of HP. There’s obviously much going on, like how many hires are you doing every year?

Lavonne Monroe 19:31
So on average, I would say if you just look at the past few years, not counting this year so far. We are typically around 12,000 A year and that’s including internal licenses, everything right? That goes through ta so it’s 12,000 hires. We have a very hybrid model in place in regards to we have some in house recruiting we have to our POS. So we’re really agile. more flexible with the business needs and you know, have a global foundation, that leaves a lot of openings for local agility. And that’s pretty much how we operate as well. So it’s a pretty decent well oiled machine because it has to be because we are public or federal contractors. So we have tons of compliance requirements on top of that, as well. So yeah, it’s a lot of work. I can’t lie, it’s a lot of work is great work to RPO, as you say,

Rob Stevenson 20:30
Yes, we have to our POS, some companies are out there without any RPOs. He has to, there must be like separate sorts of previews for them, why do you need to and where they both focused on?

Lavonne Monroe 20:40
Yeah, we just did a country breakdown. So we have one for India, then we have one for the rest of the world. And I think, again, I spoke about the global foundation, but allows for local nuances. I’m really big on finding out what people are really good at. And then you know, putting them in a position to be great there. So that’s how the RFPs are operating right now. And it’s working phenomenally. And they’re both phenomenal partners. And their key reason why as well, why we won the award, the fact that they know of each other, and they’re okay with that, and they’re working together, it’s not about competition, it’s about you know, doing what’s best for Hewlett Packard Enterprise and ensuring that we’re gaining market share through staffing. So that’s another key thing is that they are aligned to our goals as well,

Rob Stevenson 21:27
with the scale of not merely the company, but specifically the the town operation, the people operation, it’s 12,000 hires in a year, there’s so much going on. It’s like this business within a business. And I assume this huge budget that comes along with it as huge responsibility. Lots of attention, I’m sure is paid to you by the rest of the company. And then like the powers that be in the company, I assume positioning that people organization often falls on you. Is that the case?

Lavonne Monroe 21:55
I mean, so as far as visibility, I mean, we have our level. So you know, we have a cheap tunnel of service CHRO, right. So there is some obviously the positioning of how TA is doing, where we can go find great technical talent, things like that, or market mapping, stuff like that, from an organization where we’re doing our people planning. There’s a lot of partnerships there that you know, our leaders need to know about as we’re making strategic decisions around where we’re going to be right and where we need to go and things like that. There’s always a people conversation in regards to that. And so our ability and my ability, and specifically Dave, as well, who leads our workforce planning analytics, him and I partner together big time in regards to the people aspect of talent, and where we need to go to find that talent is the whole old school thought process of, you know, are we going to build, buy or borrow? And then what’s our strategy aligned to that. And so that part of the presentation is something that Dave and I are looking at, and we give numbers and data’s all day long in regards to our decisions. And that’s been a key player in things right? All the way down to do we hire unique talent versus you know, experience professional that’s been in the game, 15 years, stuff like that are a lot of key decisions that we are helping the organization with.

Rob Stevenson 23:15
It’s easy to get bogged down in some of those details, particularly when presenting to the rest of the organization. And you know, your metrics really well and you have your numbers. But I’ve found that like, as you get higher up, there’s more of like the storytelling aspect in this, like, can I sum things up in a meaningful way and speak the language of the people running the business? Do you have that experience? Do you have this experience of like, okay, how we talked about talent with the other town folks versus how we present it to the board, the sea levels, the whomever else is looking at you?

Lavonne Monroe 23:43
Yeah, so one of the key things that I’ve learned, and I will say, I kind of garnered this skill set maybe about 10 years ago, was ultimately, I wasn’t speaking the language of the business leaders of the day. And there’s a lot of investment that needs to happen to acquire talent and to be an employer of choice and a talent space, and getting the business to understand that it was almost like I was speaking a different language about 10 years ago. And so one of the key things that I figured out back then was I needed to speak the same language as my business leaders, I needed to present my business case to them to show how it’s going to increase market share, or how it’s going to provide costs savings for the organization that’s been helping us hit our revenue goals. So aligning all of my Ask or my strategy and model around ta I have typically always structured my TA team similar to cells to the sales team. Every company has a sales department. So whether you’re whatever you’re selling, you’re selling something. And innately business leaders understand the need for sales right? If you look at any company, they’re making tons of investment in sales teams, right? Because that’s how they generate revenue. And so aligning the recruiters and our recruiting model to that of cells has been something that’s been a key, obviously differentiator in my leadership style with helping me get the investment that I need in order to succeed, right? No, no, in order to hire 12,000 people a year, right. And so when you look at the model, you look at the sales model, right? So the sales teams have a Contact Relationship Management tool, right? We all know which one that is the highest one, but they all have something right to manage the leads, recruiting has to have a lead generation tool as well. And then if you look at the model, right, you have inside cells, which are your lead generators, well, we have sources that are then our lead generators, then you have the recruiters which are similar to your account managers, right, then you have your interview process, which is aligned to your your sales revenue recognition process. And then from there, you’re closing it. So as I’m able to help business leaders visualize the similarities, and then I can speak to how much we’re investing cells compared to how much we’re investing in TA, then some light bulbs start popping off, right. And then for the companies that you know, are truly putting action behind people being their biggest product and understanding that without people they can’t win in the marketplace. And aligning, that has been another key way that I’ve gotten the ability to come in and make changes and get investment in the team. But it’s very similar, right, we can’t survive without TA, because at some point, we’re going to have attrition, we should have internal mobility right at all times. So the need for movement, whether it’s internal or external, is always going to be there around people. Same thing with sales, we have to invest in that and make sure we have a phenomenal way of attracting, bringing on board and then retaining talent at all times.

Rob Stevenson 26:56
I love that idea that like the light bulbs start going off when you start putting in terms of sales. Is it merely just a useful way of framing language? Or do you also see your organization as like this individual like sales organization, but the thing you’re selling is not software or microchips, it is touted as people,

Lavonne Monroe 27:13
I believe this is a repeatable, industry agnostic business case, it can be used in health care, it can be used and hospitality, it’s just you identifying what it is that your organization does, you know, and if your organization is selling a product, if that product is patient care, right, no matter what every organization is selling something. So you have to identify what it is that’s driving our company. And then be very frank, how will my knees and TA how that is in contributing to the bottom line. Right? So if we take health care if it is patient care, which that’s very different, a lot of health care companies are nonprofit, right? So the whole sales thing, you know, but they they may or may not get that, but patient care, and their ratings for patient care is what’s driving their ability to get more patients, etc, etc. So how does ta impact patient care? Right? And then how do I then build that case to ensure that TA is then you know, kind of funded, because I have to draw the correlation to now how it impacts patient care. So if I’m hiring skilled nurses, if I can impact your ability to ensure that you don’t have vacancy, so what’s your cost of vacancy every single day? You don’t have a nurse in the role? Right? Are you having to turn away patients? Right, you know, are you tracking how many patients are turning away on a daily basis due to lack of staffing? So all of that those are the questions, right? So you do have to get embedded in what’s driving your business. And then you have to correlate it and find the TA connectives. And then build your business case around that.

Rob Stevenson 28:57
Yes, that is such great advice. Because these people we’re speaking of these non town executives, they are trying to run the business, they are looking for the bottom line of how do we succeed? How do we make money? How do we make more of it? How do we sell more things, whatever. And so when you connect yourself to that bottom line, when you really outline the value you’re bringing, that is what they care about, right? They care about that value more than they care about, like, Oh, we got time to close down from 16 days to 11 days, right? Cut, cut that cut back on the presentation, right? So you’re just putting yourself in the shoes, like what do they care about? What does it speak? It sounds like you’ve done that really? Well.

Lavonne Monroe 29:34
Yeah, but you know, it’s funny we and TA right that the time to fill the T to a time to offer except that’s like the number one rating and metric that everybody in TA has. But from a business perspective, that’s not what we care about. Right? So the time that it takes us to hire somebody means that our cost of vacancy is reduced. So it’s really the cost of vacancy. Yeah. All right, and the TTL way is how we’re gonna get to that number, right. So that’s how I’m impacting the business there.

Rob Stevenson 30:06
That is such a good example, because TDoA is expressed in days or weeks, whereas cost of vacancy has a nice shiny dollar sign in front of it. And like now you have something that you can put in a slide. That’s impactful. Right?

Lavonne Monroe 30:19
Exactly, exactly costs of vacancy, the cost of backfill certain talent levels. So that’s what is hitting the business at the end of the day.

Rob Stevenson 30:28
That makes so much sense. It’s like our TTY went down two days. And they’re like, who cares if they accepted the offer on a Tuesday or Thursday? You know, it’s like, yeah, here’s the impact of that. Here’s how much we’re not spending on that role being open. And here’s what we’ve saved the business by moving that number down. That is a fantastic example. Yeah. Lavon we are approaching optimal a podcast linked here. And so this episode has been full of great advice. And I’ve loved learning about how you go about doing your role. So at this point, I’ll just say thank you so much for being here and for your candor and for sharing all of it with me today and for dropping dimes all over the place even though you were worried about doing so it was really really great talking to you. So thanks for being here.

Lavonne Monroe 31:05
No, thank you Rob. And I hope they were dimes. I don’t know it could be I don’t know if there’s that much of a secret right at the end of the day there’s tons of successful ta organizations out there and tons of phenomenal genius leaders that are leading TA and talented you know the some of the biggest companies so I’m just you know one of a lot that are out there fighting the good fight every single day. So hopefully, maybe somebody got something out of it. But no I if anything, I just love chatting with you, Rob. So I had a great time. Thank you.

Rob Stevenson 31:36
So effective, so smart, so humble. She does it all. Yvonne, thank you so much for being here. Talk talent to me is brought to you by hired. Hired empowers connections by matching the world’s most innovative companies with ambitious tech and sales candidates. With hired candidates and companies have visibility into salary offers competing opportunities and job details.

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