Job Directory Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer
San Francisco, CA

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Job Description

Domino has an ambitious vision for data science. Our platform helps data science teams accelerate research, increase collaboration, and rapidly deploy predictive models. Our customers are the most sophisticated analytical organizations in the world, including Monsanto, Allstate, and Instacart. Backed by Sequoia Capital, Zetta Venture Partners, Bloomberg Beta, and In-Q-Tel, we are at the epicenter of the data science revolution, helping companies build better cars, develop more effective medicine, or simply recommend the best song to play next.

If you're a full-lifecycle, full-stack software engineer with serious tech chops, we have exciting challenges for you tackle:

* Job distribution
* Cluster management and orchestration
* Cybersecurity
* Diverse deployments: cloud, bare-metal, and hybrid
* Best-of-breed data science tools and platforms

Our stack is Scala, Play, lots of Docker, MongoDB, ElasticSearch and JavaScript. Ideally we'd like someone who's comfortable with these technologies, but we're always excited to meet great engineers who can quickly learn new technologies.


* Ship clean, well-crafted code
* Tackle the ambitious technical challenges on our roadmap
* Have the technical wisdom to decompose complex projects
* Balance product roadmaps and technical debt
* Guide projects from conception to delivery
* Serve as a mentor to others on the team
* Help build a product, team, and company


* Demonstrated track record of solving deeply complex challenges
* Egoless and mission focused
* Desire to meet world-class data scientists and grok how they work

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