
We are connecting knowledge, and finding hidden connections to create novel and innovative insights.

Founded 2012
1-15 employees
  • Analytics & Business Information
  • Headquarters address
    101 Jefferson Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
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    We're a young company solving some extremely hard problems. Because of the expansion of information production, it is now impossible to stay current in a given area of expertise and finding truly novel information that is relevant is left purely to chance. Through Omnity, we're uniting all the knowledge in the world such that it is more easily discoverable in areas where it could be relevant or revolutionary.

    We're looking for people to join our team who care deeply about the work they do, have staying power in the face of hard problems and identify with our mission to bring about revolutionary change in problem areas that simply cannot wait on fortuitous chance encounters.

    Tech stack

    NodeJS, AngularJS, D3, Python, AWS, Elasticsearch, Kafka, Streamsets, Dataiku


    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Insurance (Life)
    Insurance (Disability)