How HIRED Works

Tell your story

Showcase your skill set, passions and career aspirations on your personalized Hired profile.

Companies apply to you

Respond to interview requests from employers for opportunities that match your goals and salary requirements.

Choose the right fit

Accept the opportunity that's right for you and start your next chapter!

Top Industries hiring Build/Release Engineers

  1. Information Tech
  2. Analytics
  3. eCommerce
  4. Electronics
  5. Gaming

Top Skills for Build/Release Engineers

  1. Python
  2. C
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. Ruby on Rails

Jobs in Washington D.C. in Build/Release Engineer at Finance/Insurance

We don't have enough data for Washington D.C.,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, Build/Release Engineers in Washington D.C. earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, Build/Release Engineers in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of $110,000 to a high of $180,000, with a median salary of $146,000.


Top paying cities for Build/Release Engineers:
Delivery Lead
Delivery Lead
5001+ employees
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to w...
About Pwc: PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global provider of auditing, accounting, and assurance services for organizations and individuals.
Delivery Lead
5001+ employees
Delivery Lead
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to w...
About Pwc: PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global provider of auditing, accounting, and assurance services for organizations and individuals.
Delivery Lead
Delivery Lead
5001+ employees
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to w...
About Pwc: PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global provider of auditing, accounting, and assurance services for organizations and individuals.
Delivery Lead
5001+ employees
Delivery Lead
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to w...
About Pwc: PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global provider of auditing, accounting, and assurance services for organizations and individuals.
Delivery Lead
Delivery Lead
5001+ employees
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to w...
About Pwc: PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global provider of auditing, accounting, and assurance services for organizations and individuals.
Delivery Lead
5001+ employees
Delivery Lead
A career in Information Technology, within Internal Firm Services, will provide you with the opportunity to support our core business functions by deploying applications that enable our people to w...
About Pwc: PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is a global provider of auditing, accounting, and assurance services for organizations and individuals.

How HIRED Works

Tell your story

Showcase your skill set, passions and career aspirations on your personalized Hired profile.

Companies apply to you

Respond to interview requests from employers for opportunities that match your goals and salary requirements.

Choose the right fit

Accept the opportunity that's right for you and start your next chapter!

Top Industries hiring Build/Release Engineers

  1. Information Tech
  2. Analytics
  3. eCommerce
  4. Electronics
  5. Gaming

Top Skills for Build/Release Engineers

  1. Python
  2. C
  3. Java
  4. C++
  5. Ruby on Rails