
Daviesis has worked in digital marketing since 2013, and our goal is to develop a community within the industry.

Founded 2013
16-50 employees
  • Hardware, Internet of Things, & Electronics
  • News, Media, Advertising, & Publishing
  • Headquarters address
    Cheadle, United Kingdom

    You will need the assistance of digital marketing recruitment in order to find the ideal individual for your business. When searching for the ideal candidate for your organisation, you will have to review innumerable resumes, attend hundreds of meetings, and endure interview after interview with the same questions. However, ease of availability of social media.
    It is now possible to search for job candidates regionally and locate them with greater precision than in the past, reducing the number of candidates and increasing recruiting efficiency.
    Due to social media's high usage rate and instantaneous response, vacancies can be filled more quickly, hence reducing vacancy rates.
    A large proportion of social media users are college students, which makes it an appealing resource for recruiting entry-level candidates.
    Therefore access to the most qualified job seekers will be facilitated, enhancing your company's capacity to attract talent relative to competitors. Therefore social media recruitment has convenience and good Value. A bigger number of qualified applicants will view and interpret job applications.

    Daviesisrec - Digital Marketing Recruitment
    Daviesisrec - Digital Marketing Recruitment
    Daviesisrec - Digital Marketing Recruiter