
We deliver tools and services that allow businesses, groups, and people all over the world to effectively organise their time, with complete respect for privacy.

Founded 2014
16-50 employees
Headquarters address
1 Broadway, Nottingham, NG1 1PR

Founded 5 years ago by Adam Bird (prev. CTO of Esendex, our CEO) and Garry Shutler (prev. lead engineer at Zopa, our CTO) Cronofy has software engineering and product management expertise at the heart of the organisation.

We strive to be deliberate in all we do. We've thought hard about our principles to guide how we act towards each other, what we build, and how we operate.

We aim to be as synonymous with scheduling as Stripe are for payments, Twilio are for messaging, and Google are for search.

We are at an exciting stage where every person that joins the team can have a major hand in our success and rapidly advance their careers in the process. Scheduling and time management are full of challenging problems, we aim to solve them as part of our products and help other companies take advantage of our expertise.

Tech stack

Ruby on Rails, AWS, PostgreSQL, React, Redis


Vacation and time off

Flexible working hours
Work from home flexibility