
Computer science education for all kids, everywhere.

Founded 2014
1-15 employees
  • Education
  • Headquarters address
    130 W. Union St.
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    codeSpark makes experiences that early learners love, igniting interest in computer science with a powerful mix of scaffolded play, creative exploration and inspiration from fellow young thinkers.

    codeSpark Academy with The Foos has been played by over 5M kids in 201 countries. The game has no words so pre-readers and speakers of all languages can play. Kids start the game solving puzzles and graduate to designing and coding their own video games - all with our award-winning word free interface.

    Our team is small but mighty, a collection of skilled industry veterans who care deeply about teaching all kids everywhere the power of computer science for problem solving and creative expression.

    Tech stack

    Unity3d, Node.js and MongoDB


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)

    Values and quality of life

    Catered meals
    codeSpark - When we're not working on award-winning products we like to play games and have fun...
    codeSpark - Company Photo
    codeSpark - Every Friday at lunch we play a new board or card game together
    codeSpark - Krisserin picked a trip to the retro arcade for her birthday.  Ms. Pac Man anyone?
    codeSpark - There's nothing better than watching a kid play your game with pure joy!
    codeSpark - We've won over 20 top industry awards and don't intend to slow down.