
Largest & fastest growing marketplace for the $60 billion beauty & wellness industry. We've powered more than $3B in appts since launch.

Founded 2011
16-50 employees
  • Marketplace
  • Headquarters address
    218A Clara Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA
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    The beauty services industry (think hair stylists, barbers, estheticians, wax/brows/lashes and people who work at a salon or spa) together earn over $78 billion a year in the US. Most of them use pen and paper to run their business, and struggle with helping clients face-to-face, and then trying to figure out how to improve their business.

    StyleSeat is the largest and fastest growing platform for these professionals to run their business. StyleSeat is a market leader in the beauty appointment scheduling and booking industry with independently minded professionals who love the brand. We have a diverse group of customers, whom are mostly female and minority owned small businesses. Our company team is currently over 50% females, with a female CEO and COO leading the way. We grow the average business' revenue by 70% in the first 15 months of using our tools, and 95% of our business sign ups are from word-of-mouth.

    We love style but more than that we love helping entrepreneurs be independent and successful doing what they love. Check us out at or in the app stores.

    Tech stack

    AngularJS, Django, Python, AWS, Elastic Search, RabbitMQ, MySQL, Javascript, Jade, SASS


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Insurance (Life)
    Insurance (Disability)

    Values and quality of life

    Catered meals
    StyleSeat - We have a salon chair in the office so we can get hair cuts and services done by our SF community!
    StyleSeat - Product and marketing teams
    StyleSeat - Celebrating stuff
    StyleSeat - Team meeting
    StyleSeat - Growth meeting. Not all members of the team work as hard as others unfortunately.
    StyleSeat - rooftop madness
    StyleSeat - Monthly Team Dinner and Company Awards Night!  (Aug 2014)
    StyleSeat - First week in our new office!  (May 2014)
    StyleSeat - Making style happen on the daily
    StyleSeat - First few days in our new, bigger office!
    StyleSeat - Meet our office mascot and Head of Security, Winston.
    StyleSeat - We have our own full time resident DJ (also he designs stuff)