
We are connecting over 200 million people to their family and friends through our global messaging platform.

Founded 2007
16-50 employees
  • Digital Communication
  • Headquarters address
    210 Portage Ave Palo Alto CA 94306

    Who We Are

    We are a global messaging platform based in Palo Alto, California, and were founded and funded by one of the first ten employees at Google. Our current team consists of TopCoders, ACM ICPC World Finalists, and medalists of the International Olympiads in Informatics. We work on challenging projects that we choose from the ground up that have direct impact on our 200-million monthly-active users.

    How We Interview & Hire

    Process Overview

    1. Initial Phone Screen (Director of Recruiting)
    2. Technical Phone Screen (Engineer)
    3. Onsite (Engineer, CEO)

    Initial Phone Screen

    • Conducted over the phone by Daniel Thompson, Director of Recruiting
    • The chat will last no longer than 30 minutes
    • Expect general questions about your background, previous work experience, and career
    • He will explain more about the role, the team, and the company

    Technical Phone Screen

    • Conducted by an engineer
    • The interview will last no longer than 1.5 hours
    • The format is a phone call with a collaborative document for coding purposes (CoderPad)
    • Talk through your thought process about the questions you are asked. The engineers are
    evaluating not only your technical abilities but how you approach problems and how you
    try to solve them
    • Ask clarifying questions if you do not understand the problem or need more information.
    Many of the questions asked in our interviews are deliberately underspecified because
    our engineers are looking to see how you engage the problem. In particular, they are
    looking to see which areas leap to your mind as the most important piece of the question
    you’ve been presented
    • Think about ways to improve the solution you’ll present. In many cases, the first answer
    that comes to mind isn’t the most elegant solution and may need some refining. It’s
    definitely worthwhile to talk about your initial thoughts to a question, but jumping
    immediately into presenting a brute force solution will be received less well than taking
    time to compose a more efficient solution
    • Take some time to look on our website, try out the product, and familiarize
    yourself with the team and some project ideas
    Onsite Interview

    • Conducted by an engineer
    • The onsite will last no longer than 4 hours
    • The first two hours are spent with one engineer going through similar problems
    as the phone screen (white-boarding) and you’ll work through the implementation on a laptop
    • The third hour is lunch with the team that you’ll be working with
    • The fourth hour is an informal chat with Ralph Harik, CEO
    • The interview is purely focused on coding, data structures, and algorithms
    • It’s encouraged to brush up on DFS (depth-first search), BFS (breadth-first search),
    memoization, and run time / logarithmic complexity


    • You will receive feedback from your phone interview by the end of the same day
    • You will receive feedback from your onsite interview no later than 24 hours from completion

    Tech stack

    Python, C++, Java, Objective-C, Javascript, Swift, CSS, HTML


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Insurance (Life)
    Insurance (Disability)

    Values and quality of life

    Catered meals
    imo - Company Photo
    imo - Company Photo
    imo - Company Photo