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C Jobs

C Programming Job Description

C developers are responsible for designing and creating software using the C programming language. They create applications to work primarily on computers or to control internet sites, and these applications are usually required to perform several different functions in a business environment. C developers should be comfortable meeting with the client to gather specs on the project before designing and after the program is complete to implement. C developers should have the ability to develop documentation for any software that is created, be comfortable attending meetings and training, meet with clients and maintain the highest standard of knowledge in the programming field.

C developers will need to give accurate estimates on delivery dates, be comfortable working either alone or in teams, have the ability to deliver quality applications with consistency and be able to stay up to date with new IT standards, skills and developments. Many employers ask that C developers also be proficient in several programming languages like C++, ASP, Java or PHP. Many industries employ C developers including engineering, real estate, media, research and finance. However, the vast majority of C developers are employed in the telecommunications field. Most will work in offices, but because of the nature of the work, many employers will allow for work from home or remote work.

How HIRED Works

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