Job Directory Automattic JavaScript Engineer

JavaScript Engineer Automattic
San Francisco, CA

Automattic develops publishing platforms, including the website and the VIP cloud version.

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About Automattic

Job Description

We're building new ways to interact with WordPress. They're simple, fast, and highly usable. They're written in the latest web technologies and are used by millions of people. We want your help. We're looking for an experienced JavaScript engineer with:

* A rock-solid understanding of the core JavaScript language, HTML5, and CSS3. Experience working on accessibility is a plus.
* Familiarity with a server-side language like PHP, Ruby, or Python.
* Proficiency developing well-structured web applications using modern JavaScript tools like React and Redux.
* A real passion for crafting experiences that users rave about.
* The ability to iterate and ship ideas quickly, with loose (at best) direction.
* A love of open source software.

We're serious about growing diversity in the tech industry. We want to build Automattic as an environment where people love their work and show respect and empathy to those with whom we interact. Diversity typically includes, but is not limited to, differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, political and religious affiliation, socioeconomic background, cultural background, geographic location, disabilities and abilities, relationship status, veteran status, and age. To work on diversity means that we welcome these differences, and strive to increase the visibility of traditionally underrepresented groups. Read more about our dedication to diversity and inclusion.

How to Apply

Does this sound interesting? If yes, please send a short email to jobs @ this domain telling us about yourself and attach a résumé as a PDF. Let us know what you can contribute to the team. Include the title of the position you're applying for and your name in the subject.

Proofread! Make sure you spell and capitalize WordPress and Automattic correctly. We are lucky to receive hundreds of applications for every position, so try to make your application stand out. If you apply for multiple positions or send multiple emails there will be one reply.

If you're reading this on a site other than please ensure you visit for the latest details on applying.

Please answer the following questions in your cover letter. We will only consider candidates whose cover letters answer these questions.

* Tell us the details of an interesting programming problem you've worked on. What made it interesting?
* How do you use our products and/or their competitors? How would you improve one of them?
* When you make a GET request to:

with a header X-future: automattician you will receive a secret. What is it?
* What questions do you have for us?

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About Automattic

Automattic develops publishing platforms, including the website and the VIP cloud version.

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