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Ruby Jobs in Toronto

Find Jobs Using Ruby in the Toronto Area

Ruby is an open-source programming language. Its syntax is designed to be simple to write and read. Ruby offers an object-oriented approach that allows for code and information to be given their own actions and properties. It's a blend of Perl, Eiffel, Smalltalk, Ada and Lisp languages. Ruby is flexible, meaning users can freely remove or redefine its essential parts. It has an abundance of features for programmers like writing C extensions, as well as a SWIG interface, OS independent threading and a mark-and-sweep garbage collector. Besides GNU/Linux, Ruby works on Windows, UNIX, Mac OS X, DOS and more. Ruby programmers are experienced with using a variety of web application frameworks like Sinatra, Merb and Ruby on Rails. These specialists are familiar with Agile methodologies and SOLID principles. They have experience with IDEs like RubyMine, Aptana Studio and Komodo. Ruby programmers also have knowledge of DNS, HTTP and TCP/IP. They also understand Active Record, JavaScript, CSS, SQL and debugging.

Living and Working in Toronto

Toronto has strong biotech, technology and financial sectors. It's Canada's stock exchange and banking center. Toronto is also the country's major wholesale and distribution hub. It makes up 20 percent of Canada's GDP. This city is home to companies like Dynacare, Rogers Communications Inc and IMAX Corporation.

Toronto sits on the banks of Lake Ontario and offers scenic views of the water. It's a city with where around 160 different languages are spoken. Toronto has tons of things to do and see. Residents and visitors to the area enjoy shopping at St. Lawrence Market and at the Distillery District.

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