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Ember Skills

All about Ember

What is Ember?

Ember.js is an open-source javascript framework started by Yehuda Katz at Tilde. Ember is based on the MVVM pattern and encourages shared developer conventions to improve the ecosystem for all users.

Ember is known for its opinionated architecture, powerful routing system, and built-in conventions, which make it easy to build complex applications with minimal boilerplate code. It provides a rich set of features for data binding, templating, and routing, enabling developers to create interactive and maintainable web applications.

What to use Ember for

Ember offers a broad range of capabilities and features, making it suitable for various web development scenarios. Here are some key applications of Ember:

  • Single Page Applications (SPAs): Ember is commonly used for building single page applications (SPAs) where the entire application runs in the browser and interacts with the server via APIs. With Ember’s router and controller layer, developers can create SPAs with deep linking, history management, and nested routes, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.
  • Progressive Web Applications (PWAs): Ember is ideal for building progressive web applications (PWAs) that provide a native-like experience on the web. With tools like Ember CLI and Ember FastBoot, developers can create PWAs that are fast, reliable, and installable, enabling users to access them offline and receive push notifications.
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Ember supports server-side rendering (SSR) where the initial HTML markup is generated on the server and sent to the client, improving performance and SEO. With frameworks like FastBoot, developers can build SSR applications that render quickly, index well on search engines, and provide a better user experience.
  • Enterprise Applications: Ember is well-suited for building enterprise applications with complex requirements and large codebases. With Ember Data for data management, Ember CLI for project scaffolding, and Ember Inspector for debugging, developers can build scalable and maintainable applications that meet the needs of modern enterprises.
  • Component Libraries and Add-ons: Ember is used for building component libraries and add-ons that provide reusable UI components and functionalities. With tools like Ember Addons and Ember Engines, developers can create and share components, themes, and utilities that enhance the productivity and capabilities of Ember applications.

What is an Ember developer?

Here’s what it means to be an Ember developer:

  • Proficiency in Ember: An Ember developer is fluent in writing Ember code, including understanding Ember’s syntax, templates, components, and services. They are familiar with Ember’s conventions like naming conventions, file structure, and data flow, and know how to follow them to create consistent and maintainable codebases.
  • Component-Based Architecture: Ember developers have expertise in designing and implementing component-based architectures for web applications. They understand how to break down complex user interfaces into smaller, reusable components, and how to manage component state and actions to create dynamic and interactive user experiences.
  • Routing and Navigation: Ember developers have skills in routing and navigation for building multi-page applications with deep linking and nested routes. They understand Ember’s router and controller layer, and how to define routes, templates, and controllers to handle application states and transitions effectively.
  • Data Management with Ember Data: Ember developers have skills in data management using Ember Data, Ember’s official data persistence library. They know how to define models, serializers, and adapters to interact with backend APIs and databases, and how to handle data loading, caching, and synchronization in Ember applications.
  • Testing and Debugging: Ember developers are familiar with testing and debugging techniques for ensuring code quality and reliability. They know how to write unit tests, integration tests, and acceptance tests for Ember components and routes, and how to use tools like Ember Inspector and Ember CLI Mirage for debugging and mocking data.

Most important Ember developer skills in 2024

Here are some of the most important skills for Ember developers in 2024:

  • Modern JavaScript and ECMAScript Standards: Ember developers need skills in modern JavaScript and ECMAScript standards for writing Ember applications with the latest language features and best practices. They should be familiar with concepts like arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, and async/await, and know how to use them effectively in Ember codebases.
  • Ember Octane and Glimmer Components: Ember developers should have skills in Ember Octane, the latest edition of Ember that focuses on simplicity, productivity, and performance. They should understand Glimmer components, Ember’s lightweight and efficient component model, and how to migrate existing Ember applications to Octane.
  • Ember CLI and Build Tools: Ember developers need skills in Ember CLI and build tools for managing project dependencies, scaffolding new projects, and optimizing build performance. They should know how to use tools like Ember CLI Addons and Ember Auto Import to extend Ember’s capabilities and streamline development workflows.
  • FastBoot and Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Ember developers should have skills in server-side rendering (SSR) with FastBoot for improving the initial render and performance of Ember applications. They should understand how to set up FastBoot servers, optimize server-side rendering performance, and handle server-side data fetching and caching.
  • Accessibility and Inclusive Design: Ember developers need skills in accessibility and inclusive design for creating web applications that are usable and accessible to all users. They should be familiar with accessibility standards like WCAG and ARIA, and know how to use Ember’s accessibility features like Ember A11y Addon and Ember Component Patterns to build accessible interfaces.

Ember resources

Check out our resources to continue sharpening your Ember skills.

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Why should you hire Ember developers?

Hiring Ember developers can bring numerous benefits to your organization:

  • Rapid Development: Ember developers bring expertise in building ambitious web applications quickly and efficiently, enabling faster development cycles and time-to-market for your products.
  • Scalability and Maintainability: Ember developers excel at building scalable and maintainable applications with Ember’s conventions and best practices, reducing technical debt and improving code readability and maintainability over time.

Looking for candidates skilled in Ember? Technical assessments are a multi-pronged solution. They allow you to streamline the hiring process and reduce bias with tech skill-focused benchmarks. 

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