Tech skill

Elixir Skills

All about Elixir

What is Elixir?

Elixir is a functional, concurrent programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). It was created by José Valim. The goal was to combine the productivity and expressiveness of Ruby with the scalability and fault tolerance of Erlang. Elixir is highly performant and quickly growing in the web-development community thanks to the Phoenix web framework.

What to use Elixir for

Here are some key applications of Elixir:

  • Web Development: Elixir is commonly used for building web applications, APIs, and web services using web frameworks like Phoenix. With its concurrency model and fault-tolerant design, Elixir enables developers to create highly scalable and resilient web applications that handle high traffic and concurrent requests with ease.
  • Real-Time Communication: Elixir is well-suited for building real-time communication applications such as chat systems, messaging platforms, and multiplayer games. With its lightweight processes (actors) and built-in support for distributed computing, Elixir enables developers to create responsive and fault-tolerant real-time applications that deliver a seamless user experience.
  • Microservices Architecture: Elixir is increasingly used for building microservices architectures, where applications are composed of small, independently deployable services. With its lightweight processes, message passing semantics, and supervision trees, Elixir enables developers to build scalable and resilient microservices that can be easily deployed and managed in production environments.
  • Concurrency and Parallelism: Elixir excels at handling concurrency and parallelism tasks, thanks to its actor-based concurrency model and lightweight processes. With Elixir, developers can write concurrent and parallel code that efficiently utilizes multicore processors and scales horizontally across distributed systems.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Elixir is gaining traction in the IoT space for building scalable and fault-tolerant IoT applications and systems. With its low-latency and real-time capabilities, Elixir enables developers to process large volumes of sensor data, control IoT devices, and orchestrate IoT workflows with high reliability and efficiency.

What is an Elixir developer?

Here’s what it means to be an Elixir developer:

  • Proficiency in Elixir: An Elixir developer is fluent in writing Elixir code, including understanding Elixir’s syntax, semantics, and functional programming constructs. They are familiar with Elixir’s standard library and ecosystem of libraries and know how to leverage them effectively in their projects.
  • Functional Programming Skills: Elixir developers have expertise in functional programming concepts and techniques, including immutability, pattern matching, recursion, and higher-order functions. They understand the principles of functional programming and know how to write clean, expressive, and composable code that follows functional programming best practices.
  • Concurrency and Parallelism Skills: Elixir developers have skills in concurrent and parallel programming using Elixir’s actor-based concurrency model and lightweight processes. They understand how to spawn and supervise processes, send and receive messages, and coordinate concurrent tasks effectively in Elixir applications.
  • Web Development Skills: Elixir developers have skills in web development using the Phoenix web framework. They understand web technologies like HTTP, WebSockets, and RESTful APIs and know how to build scalable and performant web applications using Phoenix’s features and conventions.
  • DevOps and Deployment Skills: Elixir developers have skills in DevOps practices and tools for deploying and managing Elixir applications in production environments. They are familiar with tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and Heroku for containerization, orchestration, and deployment automation, and know how to configure and optimize Elixir applications for performance, scalability, and reliability.

Most important Elixir developer skills in 2024

Here are some of the most important skills for Elixir developers in 2024:

  • Concurrent Data Processing: Elixir developers need to have skills in concurrent data processing and parallel computation using Elixir’s concurrency primitives and libraries like GenServer, Task, and Flow. They should know how to design and implement concurrent data pipelines, batch processing workflows, and distributed computation algorithms in Elixir applications.
  • Scalable Web Architecture: Elixir developers should have skills in designing and architecting scalable and fault-tolerant web architectures using Phoenix and OTP (Open Telecom Platform). They should understand web server concurrency models, request handling strategies, and performance optimization techniques for building high-performance and resilient web applications in Elixir.
  • Fault Tolerance and Resilience: Elixir developers need skills in building fault-tolerant and resilient systems using OTP behaviors like supervisors, workers, and supervisors trees. They should know how to design supervision strategies, handle failures gracefully, and recover from errors robustly in Elixir applications.
  • Distributed Systems Design: Elixir developers should have skills in designing and implementing distributed systems and microservices architectures using Elixir’s distributed computing primitives and libraries like distributed Erlang and distributed Elixir. They should understand distributed systems patterns, consistency models, and communication protocols for building scalable and fault-tolerant distributed applications in Elixir.
  • Performance Optimization: Elixir developers need skills in performance optimization techniques for improving the speed and efficiency of Elixir code. They should understand profiling tools like ExProf and fprof for identifying performance bottlenecks, and know how to apply optimization techniques like code optimization, memory optimization, and concurrency tuning to achieve maximum performance in Elixir applications.

Elixir resources

Check out our resources to continue sharpening your Elixir skills.

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Why should you hire Elixir developers?

Hiring Elixir developers can bring numerous benefits to your organization:

  • Functional Programming Expertise: Elixir developers bring expertise in functional programming concepts and techniques, enabling them to write clean, expressive, and maintainable code that is easy to understand and refactor.
  • Concurrency and Fault Tolerance: Elixir developers excel at handling concurrency and building fault-tolerant systems, thanks to Elixir’s actor-based concurrency model and OTP’s supervision mechanisms. They can design and implement highly scalable and resilient applications that can handle concurrent requests and recover from failures gracefully.
  • Scalability and Performance: Elixir developers have skills in building scalable and performant systems using Elixir’s lightweight processes and distributed computing primitives. They can optimize Elixir applications for performance and scalability, ensuring that they can scale horizontally to handle increasing workloads and deliver responsive user experiences.

Assess tech candidates for Elixir skills

Looking for candidates skilled in Elixir? Technical assessments are a multi-pronged solution. They allow you to streamline the hiring process and reduce bias with tech skill-focused benchmarks. 

Hired Assessments offer a library of hundreds of questions and customizable coding challenge campaigns tailored to technical preferences. Centralize and standardize your evaluation process as you surface top talent with specific, hard-to-find skills.

See how Mastercard and Axon used Hired Assessments to vet top candidates.

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