
DocHub is a digital signing platform which enables individuals and businesses to annotate, markup, and sign documents collaboratively

Founded 2014
1-15 employees
  • Education
  • Digital Communication
  • Headquarters address
    180 Cambridge St, Floor 2, Boston, MA, 02114
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    We've served over one billion digital document pages to our users.

    By delivering documents digitally, we're also preventing the need for countless physical pages to be printed. With your support, we're helping save thousands, if not millions of trees from being needlessly turned to paper each year.

    Who are we?

    We're headquartered in Boston.
    We don't outsource.
    Document security is paramount to us.
    We strive for customer satisfaction.
    We focus on long term growth.

    We take pride in what we do and our results speak for themselves. Every year since launching in 2014, we've grown at a double digit pace. There are now millions of active DocHub users every month and we're just getting started.

    Tech stack

    Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, AWS, MySQL, Linux, Chef


    Compensation and retirement

    Performance bonus
    Stock Options
    401k plan

    Vacation and time off

    Unlimited time off
    Flexible working hours
    Work from home flexibility

    Values and quality of life

    Accessible via public transportation
    Company activities
    Games and recreation
    Pet-friendly workplace
    DocHub - Company Photo