Context Scout

An AI assistant for professionals that will change how they work

Founded 2016
1-15 employees
  • Information Systems
  • Headquarters address
    London, UK

    Context Scout is a research-led software company developing new information retrieval and machine learning based approaches for web search and task assistance. We use a combination of semantic graphing, NLP, IR, and ML techniques to enable automated professional assistance.

    We are innovating in the web search and virtual assistance space. At Context Scout we see static webpages as the basis for seeding dynamic layers of information automatically sourced from across the web. Our technology will represent a shift in web browsing behaviour with far-reaching implications for search, advertising, and web traffic.

    Tech stack

    Google Cloud, Python, Django, Neo4j, ES6/7, React/Redux, Kubernetes, Docker, Celery, RabbitMQ, Chrome


    Compensation and retirement

    Pension plan