
We are the leading media network in commercial real estate across the US and Canada. Be sure to check us out on The Muse!

Founded 1997
51-200 employees
  • News, Media, Advertising, & Publishing
  • Headquarters address
    1350 Broadway, Suite 2400 NY NY 10018

    Captivate is North America’s leading location-based digital video network reaching millions of professionals throughout the day. We connect viewers to the world outside their office by delivering valuable information and entertainment. Utilizing multiple touchpoints including elevator screens, mobile & desktop to influence personal and professional purchase decisions, we maintain a 90% engagement rate among a quality, hard-to-reach audience of 12 million unique viewers every month.

    Check us out on The Muse!


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Insurance (Life)
    Insurance (Disability)
    Captivate - Company Photo
    Captivate - Company Photo
    Captivate - Company Photo
    Captivate - Company Photo
    Captivate - Company Photo
    Captivate - Company Photo