Bettercompany Inc.

An anonymous social network for your work life. We aspire to be the most positive place on the Internet.

Founded 2014
1-15 employees
  • Consumer Mobile
  • Headquarters address
    San Francisco, CA

    Who We Are

    We are based in San Francisco and are a collective of people who wake up every day wanting you to be happier with your work day and ultimately more successful in your career. We work for you.

    What We Do

    BetterCompany aims to be the most positive place on the Internet. We believe that an increasing number of us are sharing an increasing amount of our lives online, looking for the same things: Attention, validation, empathy and support. The problem is that when it comes to our work lives, there's no place where sharing that part of our life, which actually occupies a lot of our waking hours, feels like a safe, useful or rewarding experience, the same way we share other parts of our lives.

    Sharing our work lives anywhere else is fraught with problems. It could lead to embarrassment for yourself, a colleague or your company, or worse, it could get you fired. But even outside of the fears that inhibit us from sharing, the bigger question that we think holds people back is "will people actually care?" Put another way, can they really relate to or understand the experience I'm going through?

    From a product perspective, there are a few core ingredients to BetterCompany that make it what it is:

    An identity-free approach: No one knows who you are on BetterCompany. You tell us your job title and we match you based on our understanding of that job title. Any post where you reveal where you work is deleted by our moderators.

    Human moderation: Moderation is designed to quarantine posts that are not in the spirit of the community and eliminate rewards for antisocial behavior.

    An other-worldly design: The design of every touch point in the mobile products are very intentional.

    An empathy graph: A continual understanding of the interactions that inspire you to the most positive and constructive within our community.

    Why We Do It

    We believe the internet needs a different type of community from what exists already. One that is safe, supportive and ultimately positive and constructive. We've written more about this here The Company We Keep — Medium and want to facilitate more honest and real conversation online.

    Join the Team

    We're now steadily growing, have a very vocal and passionate user community, are Series A funded and experiencing game-level addiction and engagement but still a small team (currently 9). We're now looking to build out our engineering team. We're looking for highly communicative, detail-oriented, empathetic engineers who thrive in startup-environments and really want to make their mark on the world through the work they do.

    We expect that you will have downloaded the BetterCompany app and chosen to do a phone screen based on your genuine interest in what we're building. In the first phone screen, you'll be speaking with our Founder and CEO with the primary objective of helping you better understand BetterCompany's mission and vision. After that, you will have a brief (10-15 minutes) high-level technical screen and summary of your relevant past experience.

    What we're looking for when we mean "cultural fit"

    • A great communicator both in how you listen and how you engage others in discussion.
    • Immerse yourself in both the BetterCompany community and in the developer community to carry BetterCompany's mission, vision and values forward in each of your interactions.
    • Exhibit a selfless dedication to our customers, your team and our values.
    • Exhibit a deep belief in the product
    • Use available data to articulate informed opinions on your approach to your work.
    • Demonstrate a willingness to do whatever you can to make BetterCompany better.

    Interview Process

    1) Phone call cultural fit
    2) Skype Interview Technical


    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)