
Outcomes4Me provides patients a digital personal assistant to empower them with the understandable, relevant and personally-specific information they need to get the best outcomes.

Founded 2018
1-15 employees
  • Health Care Technology & Nursing
  • Headquarters address
    Cambridge, MA

    When diagnosed with a life-altering condition, the available information can be overwhelming, unclear and at times, inaccurate. Even as professionals in the field, we've experienced how hard it can be to understand and navigate the healthcare system. We also know that treatments are developed and approved under tightly controlled clinical trial conditions that may not reflect a real-world environment. And, outcomes still hinge more on where we live than on universal standards of care. We believe that needs to change.

    Our founders' roots are in three pillars of the healthcare system - medicine, pharmaceuticals and computer science. We've seen firsthand, professionally and personally, that the experience is both deeply personal and at times, dehumanizing. Our belief that the system can and must work better for patients, is what led us to create Outcomes4Me.

    We're harnessing our experience and expertise to create an intelligent solution that will curate information to empower patients with clarity about their best treatment options - based on their specific condition. And by sharing experiences and interactions with our platform, patients can help us to continuously generate even deeper insights and better outcomes for themselves and others.

    Tech stack

    Javascript, TypeScript, Node.JS, AWS, PostgreSQL, React, React Native


    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Outcomes4Me - Company Photo
    Outcomes4Me - Company Photo
    Outcomes4Me - Office holiday party!